Competition Team

MMDC has a competitive dance team that provides additional rehearsal and performance opportunities through regional and national competition levels. This competitive team is comprised of dancers who are committed to their team as well their instructors.

*Price: $60 a month
Dancers will receive all genres of dance skills.
*Rehersal days: These are Mandatory Classes. Company dancers are only allowed three unexcused absences and Two Excused absences. This is put into place to insure Company Growth, Support and Respect to other dancers.
*Age: 4-18
*Requirements for tryouts: Great stage performance, dances full out, remembers routines/movements, flexibility, Arco, basic jazz skills are suggested but not mandatory to have.
*Dancers are only allowed to be on one Dance team
*Competition Rules and requirements (Click Link):
All Dancers and Parents are required to sign
Company Auditions:
This year we will only be selecting a total of 50 dancers for our competition team. Auditioning does not guarantee placement.
Dancers completing two or more weeks of summer intensive qualify for auditions.
To be eligible for an invitation to compete for the Elite "Diamond" competition team, dancers can miss no more than 5 days of summer intensive.
Audition process
1) The students will be taught three short 32 count combinations
2) Students must prepare two tumbling passes. The same trick cannot be used more than once.
Our teachers will be looking for the following:
Performance : self expression and dancing full out
Choreographed expressions
Audition room etiquette
Strength and power within movements
Properly placed extensions
Basic skills and alignment, such as pointing feet
squaring hips, use of turnout, knowledge of terminology
Coordination: use of arms and legs, controlled movement and alignment
This years Competition team staff is dedicated to being on top with a fun and inspiring atmosphere.