*Check our schedule page for class times*
Rec Class $50 (a month)
Competition Team $60 (a month)
Extra technique Class $5 (per class a month)
Adult Class $25 (pay in person)
Zumba MM Parents $5 Drop-in rate & $10 monthly. Non-MM Parent $15 Drop-in rate & $30 Monthly rate
Butterflies/different abilities Class $40 registration fee and FREE tuition (Donations are Welcome)
One time Registration Fee of $40
Ballet I:
This class is designed for the primary beginner dancer. Students taking this class will begin to learn the fundamentals of the Cecchetti method of Ballet. Our Students will learn the basics to help them successfully complete a full ballet class. Students will have three sections taught within this class: Barre, center work ( Pettte Alegro), and across the floor ( Grand Allegro). Please see our list of technical steps each dancer must learn and execute before moving to Level Two. Our Master ballet Instructor will appropriately place all of our students.
**This class is recreational.

Ballet II:
This class is designed for the Advanced beginner dancer. Students taking this class will learn Advanced Beginner Techniques of the Cecchetti method. Our Dancers will run threw a full non-stop ballet class studying more Techniques including Multiple Turns , Proper posture and strengthening. In addition we will be focusing on trick steps such as: turns in Second, Fouette, Cabrioles, Italian Fouette and More. Our Master ballet Instructor will appropriately place all of our students.
**This class is recreational.

Tap 1:
This class is designed for the beginner tap dancer in mind. Dancers will explore tap history in this fun-filled class while learning the fundamentals of tap dance.
Tappers will learn even and syncopated rhythms as well as core tap steps such as shuffles, cramp roll, drawbacks, paddle and roll, buffalo, flap, waltz shuffle, irish and more!
**This class is recreational
Tap 2:
Tappers will build upon the fundamentals from Tap 1 and learn time steps, riffs, The Shim Sham and begin to explore counter rhythms,
pick ups, wings and more!

Hip-Hop Street & Jazz Fusion:
This class is designed for the students to learn basic hip-hop moves that are most common to the hip-hop community and moves that are learned from the streets of New York City to Virginia. We specialize in New moves you won't see anywhere else.
**This class is recreational.
Choreographers Workshop:
This class is designed for the students to learn basic of choreographing their own group and solo Pieces. Students will use this class for improving skills and choreographic skills in different genres of dance. Selected pieces of student choreography will be registered in one competition in hopes to help boost students confidence in their personal choreographic skill set. Students in this class will need to have an open and supportive mind for others. Students in this class must be ready to reveal the emotional struggles of teen life and execute those feelings within their own choreography.
**This class is recreational.
Contemporary I:
This class is designed for the students to learn basic dance techniques on how to move and use their body, listen to the music, how to communicate and express themselves navigating through a gravity atmosphere. Dancers will learn dance levels high, medium and low. This class will allow the dancers to let the music take over their bodies.
**This class is recreational.
Contemporary II:
This class is the same as level one contemporary class; however, they will build on the lessons from contemporary I and continue to learn their body, time, rhythm and dance space. This class will incorporate lessons on how to connect with a dance partner, floor work, contemporary dance tricks, will use some ballet, jazz and modern technique to create dance movement. This class will allow dancers an opportunity to communicate through dance and express themselves while navigating through a gravity atmosphere. All these aspects will come together and the dancer will create a story through dance.
**This class is recreational.
Musical Theater Dance:
Students in this class will learn choreographic styles ranging from Fosse to Ben Verine. In addition students will also learn choreography from Shows that allow Mish Moves to have diversity such as " Bring it On the Musical" " Shrek" " Hamilton" and many more.
**Laduca Dance Heels will be required for this class
**This class is recreational.

Open level Stretch and Conditioning:
This class is designed for the students to focus on stamina, strength and flexibility required for dancers. Flexibility will target all their major muscle groups through both static stretching(holding a position for a set amount of time) and dynamic stretching (moving through a range of motion) for dance skills. Dancers will focus on core strength, shoulders, arms, quads and the strengthening of all major and minor muscle groups. Dancers will learn techniques to fully engage their core and exercises to understand head-tail connection.
**This class is recreational.

Extraordinary Abilities Class: ( Butterflies)
This class is designed for the students to learn basic skills, help improve physical movement and capabilities. Its a slower-paced and sensory sensitive class. This class allows the teacher to work with the student face to face. This class promotes overall wellness by giving dancers confidence in their abilities.
**This class is recreational and can also perform on a competition stage
Competition Team Classes
All Team Members must take one Recreation Ballet Class in addition to Schedual Ballet Classes.
All Team Members must Take a recreational ( Hip-Hop, Jazz, Contemporary/lyrical and Ballet Class in addition to two Schedule Competition Comb Classes. These Classes are broken down into sessisions.
**This is not a recreational class. Students in this class will be pushed for greater success in the dance field while pursueing a career in Dance or Pursuing a Major or Minor in a performance Arts College. Students will be Mentor to help guide them on their journey to become dancers. This class will be filled with the Knowledge of dance Comapanies and Colleges that emphasis Diversity and current techniques in the dance communities around the world.

Young Dancers Combo Classes
Tu Tu's & Sneakers (Ages 3-5) *Potty Trained*
Children Enrolled in this class will have a fun learning experience. They will learn basic movement and motor Skills to help them develop into youth dancers. This is a combo class Combined with Jazz and ballet Basic Techniques. The children will learn skills such as hopping, skipping, tumbling, and more. They will also be educated on fundamentals such as the differences between a Hop and a Jump.

Minis 1 & 2 (ages 6-8 )
Our youth Dancers in this class will begin to transition into Full Classes based on the progress of the class. The Students will begin learning the key componets to dancing such as Pointing feet. Jet'e and leaps across the floor. This class is the first step to elevating to the next levels of Ballet I, Contemporary I and Tap I

Please Note
-Any classes missed due to an emergency, inclement weather, holiday or vacation will not be "made up" for the month. In addition, no refund/credit will be given. If your dancer misses a month or two of classes or any reason, half of the tuition will still be due to secure the dancers spot in the Company.
-If you (the parent/guardian) decide to remove your child from the company for any reason, it is asked that you inform the director.
-If it is decided later that you (the parent/guardian) would like for your child enrolled back into the company (the parent/guardian) must reapply and pay the registration fee.
-If you decide to remove your dancer out of class there is no refund on items purchased.